
Black Sword Aikido as a Complete Martial Art

  • April 21, 2013


For a martial art to be able to function in the real world as opposed to only in dojos or on the tournament circuit, it must be composed of certain things.  It must have a striking component, a throwing down component, a joint locking component.  It must be able to function at far range, medium range, and close range.  It must have both the ability to attack and defend.  It must have the ability to deal with weapons.  As a logical necessity, it must therefore also have the ability to use weapons.  Because if one does not understand the potential of a weapon, one cannot adequately defend against it.  To call something a martial art and to expect it to defend against a serious attacker intent upon causing serious injury or death without these components, is foolish.  To hold out an art that is so defective as a martial art and to allow your students to think that it is more than it is, is criminally irresponsible.  You cannot rely upon defending yourself from an attack without the ability to attack.  You cannot infinitely retreat from an attack.  You cannot count on someone running at you like a bull so that you can effortlessly sidestep the attack and do “the perfect technique.”  Most importantly, you cannot hope to defeat an opponent with a joint lock or a throw unless you possess the ability to first stun your opponent or injure him or her with a striking technique.